Sunday, July 17, 2011

The "F" word

While I was running around today like I was on fire I started thinking about how I never have time to just sit and reflect, think, plan, enjoy a long moment of silence.........

Then I started thinking about all my goals and how hard I am working and how much harder I'll have to work to succeed in my personal and professional life.  I really feel like nothing can stop me except for myself.  I will win and I will succeed in this life on a day to day basis as well as long term.  The only way I know how to do that is by pushing myself til failure.

How do you train?  3 sets of 10?  Get the fuck out of the gym if that's your plan.  There is no time for that here.  The only way to reach goals is to fail.  How do you know what you want to be and what you want to do when all you do is what's required?  In my mind the only way to feel like I win is when I fail.  If it's in the gym or at work, I want to see how far I can take it, how much can I do, how many can I sell?  To some, failure is the worse word in their vocabulary.  It's my favorite.

If you feel like failure is a negative way of concluding something than you probably feel some regret about the actions you took to complete your task.  How bout trying you're absolute hardest from the first step. The first rep.  The first sale.  I've always tried to train with guys in the gym who are bigger and stronger than myself.  It's the only way I feel that I'm not cheating.  Most of the time that person is myself.  My mind is way bigger than my body will ever be.  It's the reason I leave the house at 8 every morning and walk in the door at 10 every night.  It is great to give my mind a night off when I train with my mentors.  No matter who it is, Pete and D, or Big Duda. I can literally feel my mind shut off from screaming to push harder and those guys get in my head and push for me.  Who pushes you when your mind takes a break?  If you stop doing just what is required and actually work until failure you will finally feel success.  Once that failure is reached you can set a new goal.

I had a skinny bald guy come up to me at the gym about 9 months ago and asked me a simple question.  "How long have you been training?"  I hate when skinny guys ask me that because I know what they are thinking (one day I can look like that and be that strong).  And that's exactly how his follow up questions were directed.  I take offense to that.  So much that I've thought about that guy every day since.  I only saw him once but I could hire a police sketch artist to draw his face by memory.  My angered and annoyed answers that followed his naive questions weren't the answers he had hoped for and I haven't seen him in the gym since.  Just the fact that that dip shit had the guts to come up to me out of all the people at the gym and ask me what he can do to get as big and as strong as me keeps me pushing myself until I fail.  I don't want people thinking they can get as big and strong as me.  I want to be out of that spectrum.  I might not be there yet but I'll fail as hard as I can until I succeed.

1 comment:

  1. You know, in some ways I relate to this and in others I don't. I relate in that I have personally lost 65 pounds in the past 8 months. People continually ask me how they can do the same and seemingly feel it is something easy to do. That offends me. On the other hand, the fact that they've noticed and want to do it the way I did also compliments me. In the same way, the guy at the gym looked around for a physique he liked and he chose your's. He may or may not have understood what it would take to get to that point. I guarantee he had no clue how long it would take. However, he most likely understood that you are not standing still. Your physique is ever changing.
